Giant constrictor snakes are found in bogs and marshes, and sometimes in subterranean settings. A giant snake bites to get an initial hold on a victim. When the bite hits, constriction immediately follows for 2d6 damage. On all subsequent rounds, the victim may make a Strength-based saving throw vs DC 15 to escape. Failure indicates constriction for another 2d6 damage. A giant constrictor may continue to constrict one victim while biting another. However, the bite suffers a -2 penalty, as does the giant constrictor's AC while constricting a victim.
A giant constrictor kills it's prey via constriction, and then dines at its leisure. A giant constrictor can swallow up to a medium creature, given ample time. After a big meal, a giant constrictor will seek to lair and digest.