Scarlet Horizons


• No. Enc: 2d4 (3d10)
• Alignment: Chaotic evil
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 6
• Hit Dice: 1+3 (typically 6 HP)
• BAB +2
• Attacks: by weapon
• Damage: By single weapon attack, minus one (minimum '1')
• Save: F2
• Morale: 10
• Hoard: 2d6 chroma, 1d4-1 royals, 1d4+1 copper (25% it's Red Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 45 per norker defeated

Anytime ten or more norker are found together, one of them will be a 2+3 HD specimen with 12 HP with 1d4+3 royals, 2d4+4 chroma, 1d4+4 copper (15% it's Red Cuprous). This leader will have the same Morale and saving throws as its fellows. A defeated leader norker is worth 75 xp.

Norkers enjoy bullrushing foes en masse. They will torture any prisoners taken, before eating them.