Scarlet Horizons


• No. Enc: 1 or 1d4+2
• Alignment: Chaotic
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 7
• Hit Dice: 5 (typically 20-23 HP)
• BAB +5
• Attacks: 3
• Damage: bite (1d4) and two octoslaps (1d10 each)
• Save: F5
• Morale: 10
• Hoard: 2d6 chroma, 1d4-1 royals, 1d4+1 copper (35% it's Red Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 465 per octotoad defeated

Octotoads are large monsters that can be found in marshes, temperate woodlands, lake areas, and moist subterranean environs. The attack by hopping and biting, followed by a pair of octoarm slaps. If a bite attack hits with a natural 20, it indicates a hop/leap ended up with the octotoad landing on its victim for 1d6 bludgeoning damage in addition to any other damage that may be done.