Scarlet Horizons

Plague Wererat

• No. Enc: 1d3 (2d4+3 Lair)
• Alignment: Lawful Evil
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 6
• Hit Dice: 4+1 (typically 17-23 HP)
• BAB +4
• Attacks: 2 (both claws, or by weapon plus bite
• Damage: By single weapon attack or 1d4 per claw, 1d2+1 bite
• Special: immune to weapons that aren't magical and/or silvered
• Save: F4
• Morale: 10
• Hoard: Indiv. 2d6 chroma, 1d4+1 royals, 2d4+8 copper (20% it's Red Cuprous, 10% Dark Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 195 per wererat defeated

Anytime ten or more wererats are found together, one of them will be a 5 HD specimen with 26 HP with 1d4-1 royals, 3d6 chroma, 1d4+6 royals, and 3d4 copper (35% it's Red Cuprous, 20% it's Dark Cuprous). This leader will have the same Morale and saving throws as its fellows, but is BAB +5 and it's bite deals 1d2+4. A defeated leader wererat is worth 250 xp.

A wererat (plague or otherwise) is indistinguishable from humans by normal senses. A wererat's alignment detects as evil. In lieu of other actions in combat, a wererat can change forms. It may take a large rat form or a humanoid/rat hybrid form. If already in one of those two forms, it may polymorph into the other, or resume it's human appearance.

When bitten by a wererat, a PC must make a DC 12 Constitution based saving throw or will else contract lycanthropy.

Wererats have immunity to most mundane attacks (piercing, slashing, blunt). They are vulnerable to silvered and/or magical weapons. Additionally, damage dealt by a paladin or Lawful cleric has full effect, regardless of the quality of the PC's weapon. Fire does half normal damage if the wererat fails it's saving throw, one-quarter otherwise.