Scarlet Horizons

Reborn One

• No. Enc: 1
• Alignment: Chaotic
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 6
• Hit Dice: 4+3
• BAB +5
• Number of Attacks: 1
• Melee Damage: 2d6
• Save: F5
• Morale: 12
• Hoard: 3d6 chroma, 2d4+5 royals, 2d4+4 copper (65% it's Red Cuprous; otherwise, 45% it's Dark Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 350 per reborn one defeated

Anytime ten or more skeletons are found together and fought together, when four or more have been defeated in a way that doesn't entirely vaporous their substance — as when a cleric destroys undead — there is a 25% chance those four will form into reborn one, a 4+3 HD specimen with 27 HP with the same treasure as other skeletons.

The reborn one forms itself of the scattered and shattered bones of other skeletons, and the formation of a reborn one is usually evidence that the particular site on which it occurs is, or at least once was, a scene of great evil.