Scarlet Horizons


• Large aberration
• No. Enc: 1 or 2d3
• Alignment: LE
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 5
• Hit Dice: 9+3 (typically 48-56 HP)
• BAB +7
• Attacks: tentacles, extract brain, or by weapon +3
• Damage: grapple 1d2 (if Grapple maintained 2 consecutive rnds, extract brain
• SD: Magic Resistance 35%
• Save: F8
• Morale: 11
• Hoard: possibly gems; possibly scrolls or potions or staves

Experience Yielded: 1200 for an individual ilitharid

An ulitharid is one of the nobles of illithid society, the term itself meaning enlightened one.

A ulitharid is very strong (ogre strength) and it gets a +4 bonus with these to maintain a grapple. The damage that a ulitharid deals while grappling is 1d2+3 per round.

These larger versions of illithid are spiteful and malicious in the extreme. They can eventually develop into an elder brain.

In combat, ulitharid's employ a psionic defense that improves their AC from 5 to 2. They enjoy Reach. A favored tactic other than immediately grappling a foe and extracting its brain is to grapple and then dimension door with its captive to an elevated ledge, whereupon it casts its target away, letting gravity do its dirty work.

A ulitharid's mind blast deal 1d12 subdual damage unless an Intelligence-based saving throw versus DC 17 is made, in which case half that damage is sustained and the target is not rendered confused. Confused victims of an ulithid are quickly killed, usually via brain extraction.