Unclaimed Party Treasure
* four identical iron cloak clasps (evil)
* three vials of purple, fishy-smelling liquid
* scroll found on a corpse in the Shallows in Session #9
* +2 drow leather armor of mobility
Claimed & Carried
* a paper-wrapped package of murdayne root (carried by Lanky)
* a scroll of Group Recall (carried by Whiteheart)
* a black monster hide belt with a platinum buckle (worn by Whiteheart)
* +3 drow shield Fangduril (carried by Whiteheart)
* bark stripped from a healing tree (carried by Feyre)
* Belt of Toughness (worn by Lanky)
* Black Hydra-hide Greatsword scabbard (carried by Celaena)
* bracers of protection +1 (worn by Feyre)
* buckler +1 (used by Lanky after Barrowmaze looting in session #4)
* cape of the mountebank (worn by Lanky)
* dagger +1, belt buckle with the soul of Zorn Neversettle (carried by Lanky)
* dragonscale (blue) halfling armor (worn by Lanky)
* enchanter's earrings (worn by Feyre)
* +2 mithril shirt (worn by Celaena)
* +2 mithril shirt (worn by Feyre)
* enchanter's robe (worn by Feyre)
* lenses of infravision (worn by Celaena)
bronze ram' head ring (worn by Whiteheart)
* potion of healing x 3 - restores 2d6+2 HP (carried by Feyre)
* potion of healing x 4 - restores 2d6+2 HP (carried by Lanky)
* potion of healing x 4 - restores 2d6+2 HP (carried by Cel)
* potion of extra-healing x 2 - restores 6d6+6 HP (carried by Whiteheart)
* potion of protection vs red dragon breath (carried by Feyre)
* potion of red dragon control (carried by Feyre)
* potion of rejuvenation x 3 (carried by Feyre)
* potion of vigorous voodoo x 1 - sac X HP (you +2 allies) - deal 3X dmg (carried by Feyre)
* scroll: of Riddles (gained in play session #3) carried by Feyre
* scroll: cone of cold (carried by Feyre)
* scroll: flying x 1, invis x1 (1-hour duration) carried by Feyre
* shirt, mithril +1 (worn by Feyre)
* knife +1 (boot) (carried by Celaena)
* sword, two-handed +2 (carried by Cel)
* sword, short +1 (carried by Lancaster)
* sword, short +1 - mated obsidian spider-banes (carried by Celaena)
* torch x 2, everburning - (Lanky & Cel each carry one)
* wand, copper - of burning hands, 10 charges (carried by Feyre)
* wand, silver - of fireballs (1 charge remaining, 5d6 damage) carried by Feyre
* whip, 3-headed snake of drow-make (carried by Lanky)
Bark, Strip of - a potent tea may be brewed from this bark, producing four doses of a brew that restores 8d8+8 HP to each creature that takes a dose. The tea loses it's effectiveness after about two hours.
Belt of Toughness - confers a +4 bonus on Constitution-based saving throws. When the wearer enters combat — i.e., becomes non-flatfooted and engaged in melee after a period of at least five minutes outside of combat — the wearer gains four temporary HP. Note: Feyre has improved the belt's enchantment so that it confers seven temporary HP instead of four. For 6,000 GP and three days of work, she can improve the belt even further, so that it confers +10 temp HP.
Black Hydra-Hide Scabbard - greatsword scabbard imparts poison to blade on first daily draw (save vs death or die).
Bracers of Protection - magical bracers that provide the wearer a protection bonus to armor class in the range of one to five. Only one protection bonus may apply to a given individual's armor class. If more than one item or spell provides such a bonus, only the higher bonus applies.
Blue Dragonscale +1 armor - confers base AC 5 (4 counting magical enhancement bonus), weighs only 2/3 the weight of same-size chain mail, and confers Resist 10 to electrical damage.
Cape of the Mountebank - +4 bonus to hide/sneak checks, permits feather fall. This cape also confers a +1 protection bonus to AC.
Enchanter's Earrings - confer +2 to item creation/enchantment by an enchanter wearing them.
Enchanter's Robe - confers +1 deflection bonus to AC, and +2 to ECL of an Enchanter on enchantment spells and item-echantment attempts.
Lenses of Infravision - give ability to see in darkness to a range of 60 feet and +1 to saving throws vs gaze attacks
Scroll of Riddles - The scroll has a riddle on each side. After a riddle is solved by a PC speaking the answer aloud, the scroll reward the player with a bag containing 1d12 x 10 GP. A new riddle replaces the answered riddle twenty-four hours later.
Mithril Shirt of Chain - a shirt of mithril chainmail fits like a glove, weighs half what normal chainmail weighs, and confers base AC 4.
potion of healing - instantaneously restores 2d6+2 HP when quaffed.
potion of extra healing - instantaneously restores 6d6+6 HP when quaffed.
potion of protection vs red dragon breath - for one hour after this potion is quaffed, the imbiber gains a +6 bonus to any saving throws made against red dragon breath. On a failed saving throw, half-damage is sustained; on a successful saving throw, one-quarter damage is sustained.
potion of rejuvenation - for 5 rounds after quaffed, the potion restores 3 HP/rnd, up to max. These potions don't stack.
potion of vigorous voodoo - you and up to 2 allies lose X HP and inflict 5X force damage on one foe or object (save for half). If the allies aren't willing to sacrifice these hit points, they get a saving throw versus poison at a +4 bonus to resist; if either of the two allies makes that saving throw, the potion has no effect. Resale value: 600 GP.
spider-bane short swords - when not finding spiders or spiderkin, Celaena is able to dual-wield these blades in any round in which she is only attacking spiders or spider-kin. If she is fighting spiders or spiderkin, the swords' magic automatically enable her to make a separate attack with each weapon — no heroic deed necessary. When Celaena hits a spider or spider-adjacent race or monster, these swords inflict an additional 2d6 beyond their usual 1d6 base damage. And these two additional d6 dice are re-rolled on 1's and 2's. Additionally, these swords treat such foes as if they were only AC 9.
ram's head ring - Once per day, at the will of the one wearing it, this ring can project a purplish, crackling magical force up to sixty feet in a straight line. This force automatically successfully hits any Large target or any target within thirty feet. Targets further away than thirty feet or smaller than a size Large creature are hit on a roll of 2-20 on d20.
A living creature not caught flat-footed is permitted a saving throw versus spells to take only half damage. A sufficiently high level Thief would suffer either half or none of the rolled damage, given Improved Evasion.
The ring draws upon and temporarily reduces the lifeforce of the wearer of the ring when its power is used. By sacrificing no hit points, the wearer causes the ram-headed force projection to inflict 1d6 damage. Sacrificing 1 HP yields 2d6; 1d4 HP yields 3d6; 2d4 HP yields 5d6; 3d4 HP yields 7d6; finally, sacrificing 20 HP yields 15d6.
When used to yield maximum damage (15d6), the wearer must succeed at a saving throw versus spells or take 40 HP damage instead of 20 — and if the wearer fails this save by 6 or more points, 60 damage is sustained. If worn and used by a necromancer, the damage dice of the ram's head-shaped force are d12 instead of d6. Once worn, the ring cannot be removed short of severing the finger. The wearer of the ring has his or her alignment shifted another notch toward chaotic evil.
+2 Drow leather armor of mobility - in addition to its base and +2 enhancement bonus to AC, the armor imparts the ability for the wearer — each round of combat — to move one additional square beyond her normal range per point of Dexterity bonus; when taking the additional movement, each additional square moved improves AC by a point. For instance, a character at AC 0 in this armor moves her normal full movement, then three more squares (due to a Dex 18) at AC -1, -2, and -3 respectively. For each additional square moved beyond the normal maximum, the wearer's base THAC0 also improves one step. A wearer with normal raw THAC0 14 that moved three extra squares would have THAC0 13, 12, 11 while in this squares.
Black Monster Hide Belt - this magical belt made of black hydra hide has a platinum buckle. The wearer has acid resistance. Any damage from acid is halved. If that damage gets a saving throw for half damage, then a successful save halves that half-damage (i.e., 1/4 of the original damage). On any round in which the wearer of the belt suffers acid damage, he may as a swift action make a ranged touch attack against a target within forty-five feet to strike it with a ray of acid in the same amount of damage as sustained by the belt-wearer. Example: belt-wearer is hit for 60 acid damage. Due to the belt's conferred resistance, that amount is reduced to 30. The belt-wearer succeeds at a saving throw and sustainly 15 damage, and shoots a ray of acid that inflicts 15 damage. If the saving throw had been failed, the ray would be for 30 damage.
a package of murdayne root - there is enough murdayne root in this parcel for twenty doses. To use it as a mild euphoric analgesic, brew it into a tea, and huff the vapors. To use it as a contact poison, boil the tea down to a paste and apply it to a piercing or edged weapon. Such poison is good for three days after being created. Upon first blood in combat with a poisoned weapon, victim saves versus death/poison or dies. If the saving throw is successful, the poison still inflicts 3d6, then 2d6, then 1d6 damage over the succeeding three rounds.
illithid iron brooch (x4) - these identical brooches radiate magic and faint evil. There is some sort of obscuring enchantment which makes it difficult to identify particulars; however, Feyre can ascertain that they permit some form of communication.
vial of purple liquid (x3) - a concoction with a fishy smell. Given the message found accompanying them on a scroll, possibly used to keep kidnapped surface dwellers docile as they are taken into the Underdark.
Group Recall - a scroll that allows the caster and up to four allies to be magically recalled to a safe area instantaneously. For the Phandalin Four this would be their farm west of Phandalin.
scroll with message - a scroll the Phandalin Four found on a corpse after slaying a cave fisher in the Shallows reads: Use the purple potions to keep the captives docile. And increase the Takings if at all possible. We need a lot more fuel. Continue to source captives from Helix, Phandalin, Slaytonthorpe, Threshhold, and Eastdale. Also, see if they can make the next batch of potions smell and taste better.