Mandrakes are related to treants, though the origins of both are so ancient that details have been lost — or at least, so sages believe. Mandrakes are medium-sized creatures that generally stand between sixty and seventy-eight inches tall.
They are comprised of extremely dense xylem and phloem covered in a very tough bark, giving them a base AC of 5. They cannot wear armor, but their Dexterity modifier does apply to their armor class. As mandrakes age, they only grow tougher. Some hoary old mandrakes have a base AC or 2, or even 1. However, they are prone to suffer aging deficits in Dexterity.
A mandrake grows to adulthood among trees of other types in a forest, achieving full growth and becoming self-aware in three years, at which point it pulls up roots and become mobile, venturing beyond its birthplace, like a bird leaving its nest.
Mandrakes may be lawful, chaotic, or evil, but they are always neutral. They live for 1d4+4 centuries plus 3d4 years. Each time they pass another 100-year mark in age, their AC improves by one step.
Sedentary mandrakes require one gallon of water weekly, while active ones require three to four gallons. If a mandrake is able to bathe in sunlight at least four hours daily, it can photosynthesize its own food. Adventuring mandrakes who delve into dungeons away from sunlight require a pint of sugar or syrup daily. If they go without adequate water or nourishment, they suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to AC, to-hit rolls, and saving throws every forty-eight hours until remedied.
Mandrakes cannot swim. They also cannot drown in water — though it may take them a long time to make it to shore if lost overboard during a sea- or lake-crossing.
Mandrakes suffer only 50% damage from blunt and piercing weapons, and from cold-based attacks. They suffer normal damage from slashing attacks, and +1 per die from axes of all sorts. They are vulnerable to fire, suffering +1 per die rolled. However, they must sustain a minimum of 15 points of fire damage in a single round in order to catch on fire.
A mandrake may not be a thief or necromancer. Paladin mandrakes will always prioritize needs of local druids and rangers.
Mandrakes deal 1d6 + STR bonus by striking with a limb. They may wield weapons, but never choose to use slashing weapons. They do not require sleep, so therefore adventuring mandrakes make great sentries when their party camps.