Batch file time saver

Part of my morning routine is to launch three applications which I use to record my previous day's caloric intake and expenditure (per data from my FitBit device).

The following text in a batch file suffices to save me a few clicks and the better part of a minute's time:

start cmd.exe /k cd C:/csdev/utils/cal
START C:/windows/system32/calc.exe
start cmd.exe /k cd C:/Users/[user]/Documents/DokuWik

Note that I've replaced my actual username in the third line of the batch file code above with [user], for security purposes.

This batch file launches Windows' calculator, and opens command prompts at the directories containing my calorie tracking console C# app, and the launcher for my local DokuWiki. It saves me time navigating the directory structure. All I have to do after clicking this batch file is enter the requisite program name in each command prompt — in my case, cal in one prompt, run in the other.
