Monday 21st October 2019
That's a picture of Paul Miller's old that Okie Trumbo bought from mom after dad passed away. Okie's done a lot of work on it.
While I was doing my notes at work today (billed on 5 clients), I showed Remember The Titans. I think they really enjoyed it. Even my two elderly gentleman stayed an hour later than usual to finish it. And the movie teaches a lot of good values. We'll discuss it during group tomorrow morning, for continuity's sake. I need to demonstrate from my questions and discussion about the movie that there was a clinical reason for showing it.
I was hoping to run this afternoon but got rained out. I came home and took a nap after eating some pork roast over toast for supper. Right now, Susan and I are sitting with Papa Brummett (Jimmie) while Mamaw (Barbara) is at Bible study.
H's fiance, AR, decompensated (anxiety and depression) and is hospitalized.