Vantage Point

Heroic Deed: Vantage Point

Available to Thief 6+ or Thief subclasses 3+. Roll a Risk Die and sacrifice it. If you succeed at a DC 9 Dexterity check, you can quickly scale a wall or other vertical surface to gain a perch above your foes. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. By climbing at half speed, you can climb up difficult surfaces (such as slippery vertical walls). If you make a ranged attack from this vantage point, it is at +3 to-hit. If you leap down upon your foe in attack, it is at +6 to-hit. If the DM rules that you can use Circle or Backstab, those abilities' to-hit bonuses stack with those of this Heroic Deed. If a leap attack hits, add your Dexterity modifier as additional damage after all damage resolution is calculated, plus one additional point of damage per ten feet fallen. Upon impact with your foe, you sustain exactly one-quarter the damage inflicted upon your foe. If you drop on a foe but fumble your to-hit roll, calculate normal falling damage. You miss your target and sustain that falling damage.