Alemvean Banivardimor At Overall Level 3

Overall Level 3
Lawful Good Halfling, HP: 17
XP Total: 4,000
TNL: 5,000

Str: 10/20 (+0)
Dex: 18/35 (+3)
Con: 09/20 (+0)
Int: 10/20 (+0)
Wis: 17/35 (+2)
Cha: 14/50 (+1)

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 11
Spells/Rods/Staves: 12
Wands: 13
Breath: 14

Special Abilities:
- Cure Disease
- Channel Energy 3 x daily
- Lay on Hands (@ PAL 2)
- Smite 2 + {CHA bonus} times daily

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +2
Equivalent Base THAC0: 18
+1 Bloodthirsty Vampiric dagger

* Damage Dealt:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 14 (1d4+4)

* If Alemvean successfully uses Enlightened Strike, then he may add an additional 3 points (the sum of Wis & Cha modifiers) of damage to the damages shown above.

Armor Class:
   Undressed/Prone 10
   full gear: -1
   flat-footed 3

Clerical spells:
3 1st

Typically Prepared:

Bless x 1 (target: caster, allies w/i 50' burst)
Divine Favor x 1 (target: self)
Shield of Faith x 1 (target: single)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 7
   Daily Risk Dice: 5

  1. Bite the Bullet
  2. Call of the Wild
  3. Enlightened Strike
  4. Nature's Imprint
  5. Skin of Your Teeth
  6. Slow & Steady
  7. Staggering Strike

Other Equipment:
+1 bloodthirsty vampiric dagger
studded leather
+2 buckler
short bow
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
potion extra-healing x 5

Versus mundane evil creatures, a paladin adds his Charisma bonus to other to-hit bonuses and adds his paladin levels (max 5) to damage.

Versus aberrations, evil outsiders, and undead, a paladin gets the foregoing bonuses against evil creatures, plus gets to add his Charisma bonus to damage, and his weapon's base damage die/dice is doubled.