• No. Enc: 1 (2d3) • Alignment: Neutral Good • Movement: 30' • Armor Class: 7 • Hit Dice: 12 (typically 110-125 HP) • BAB +9 (or by class) • Attacks: 2 - Eye Bane and melee attack • Damage: spear (3d4+2) • Save: F6 • Morale: 10 • Hoard: 9d4 chroma, 1d4+4 royals, 3d4+2 copper (40% it's Red Cuprous)
Experience Yielded: 1,225 per
The cyclops of Hamelet are generally peaceful, whereas those encountered in the Underdark usually are decidedly not. Eye Bane: usable once per round, this gaze attack slows a foe who doesn't succeed at a saving throw versus rods. A foe so-affected may make another saving throw attempt the following round, but at -2 penalty. If it fails, the slow effect lasts for the remainder of that encounter.
Cyclops stand seven to eight feet in height and generally weigh from 250 to 350 pounds. Because of their very tough skin, they have DR 1/-. Cyclops may not drink ethanol: it is poisonous to them. They're very literal creatures and often have difficulty understanding the idioms of other humanoid races.