Heroic Deed: Blessed Assurance
Available to ALL. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it: You or an ally within 60 feet of you receives a 1+{your core Cleric levels} bonus to the first to-hit roll and the first saving throw roll made this round. If the result of the Risk Die roll is greater than your total core Cleric levels, use it instead. When you successfully invoke Blessed Assurance, you or one ally regains hit points (or gains temporary hit points) equal to your cleric levels. If the recipient of these hit points is under the effect of a bless spell, they instead gain twice your total clerical (and sub-clerical) caster levels hit points. Paladin levels count as cleric levels for the purpose of using this heroic deed, but druid and sohei levels do not. If you affect an injured ally with this heroic deed invocation, there is a 5% chance you gain one percentile point to your WIS ability score.