Heroic Deed: Dual Heroic Deeds Activation
Available to PC with overall level 8+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then choose any two other Heroic Deeds and activate them without expending a Risk Die. Each of those two deeds activates successfully. When you succeed in the use of this Dual Heroic Deeds, you — and any allies within 30 feet of you — regain 3 hit points. Optionally, also remove one condition or spell-effect from your person. Choose an ability score that is currently below 17 and role d100. On a result in the range 01-05, add +10 percentile points to that ability score. If none of your Ability scores are below 17, choose an ability score and there is a 5% chance it gains 5 percentile points. You may not use Dual Heroic Deeds more than once in a given combat round.