Heroic Deed: Flawless Construction

Available to Bard 9+, Magic-User 5+, Mage subclasses 2+, Cleric 7+, and Cleric sub-classes 4+. Spend 250 gp in alchemical oils and two full days working on a piece of Improved Equipment. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 11. If you succeed, you have converted the equipment into a +1 magical item. If you are an Enchanter, this is instead a +{Enchanter Level} bonus. If a weapon, it now has +1 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+{Enchanter Level} if you are an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC one step better than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC one step better than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. If you fail the check, you must spend another day and another 250 gp and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus (cumulative is +2 if you are an Enchanter). If the item is not a weapon, shield, or piece of armor (i.e., it's a wand, rod, necklace, etc.), it now has a +1 (+2 if you're an Enchanter) bonus if protective in nature (i.e., ring of protection +1), or else 2d4+4 charges (if you are an Enchanter you may 'take ten' instead of rolling) that can be used to produce one spell effect of levels 1-3, or a single daily use that mimics/reproduces up to a fourth level spell effect. An item that is the successful recipient of Flawless Construction becomes a candidate item for Enhance Enchantment.