Heroic Deed: Karmic Balance
Available to Bard 1+, Cleric 1+, Magic-User 6+ & subs 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when — in the midst of combat — you fail a saving throw or take damage. On the following round, that foe suffers a penalty to one saving throw of your choice, or to its to-hit roll, that is equal to X, where X is the number of points by which you failed your saving throw or by which your Hit Points dropped. If the foe fails a save or misses a melee/ranged attack the next round, gain one percentile point to your Wisdom or Charisma, your choice which one. If you fail your Risk Die activation roll (by rolling a '1' on the d8), you experience Karmic Backlash and are -1 on all rolls for the remainder of this encounter.