Heroic Deed: Primary Foe
Available to FGT 2+/RNG 2+/PAL 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If the result does not come up '1', pick one of multiple foes with whom you are currently engaged in combat. This is your Primary Foe. You have {Risk Die Result + 3} Primary Foe points to use during this fight. On any round during this melee, choose to use up one or more of those points to enhance a to-hit roll against that foe, or to enhance a saving throw made necessary by that foe, or to increase damage you deal to that foe. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance that you gain one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma score, your choice which one. You may not have more than a single foe targeted with this heroic deed at one time, and you may not have multiple instances of this deed targeting the same foe simultaneously. You may have more than a single primary foe at one time if you have successfully target 2+ foes with this heroic deed.