Spell: Asmodeus Touch
Asmodeus Touch
Level: cantrip
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Available to Warlock 1+ of Asmodeus. When you succeed at a touch attack, roll a Risk Die. You inflict {Risk Die result} damage on the successfully touch-attacked foe, and you gain HP equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier, whichever is greater (minimum of 1). These may be gained as temporary hit points if you were already at your normal maximum HP.
As a cantrip, the warlock of Asmodeus may cast this once per combat round without limitation. He may choose to cast this using a higher level spell slot, in which case the damage inflicted is {Risk Die Result + CHA or INT modifier} and you gain HP equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier plus two (minimum 3).