Dax Scofflaw
Dax Scofflaw
played by Grant Cockerham
Overall Level 1
AC: 6 (4 if you buy chainmail)
Neutral Good Beastman, HP: 14
Hgt: 7'0" Wgt: 350#
XP Total: 500
TNL: 1,500
Str: 16/10 (+2)
Dex: 15/10 (+1)
Con: 16/65 (+1)
Int: 13/10 (+1)
Wis: 11/10 (+0)
Cha: 14/10 (+1)
Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Advantage on all STR checks
+2 bonus on STR-based checks
+2 bonus on saves vs disease
on crit, foe makes Con check or knocked prone
need 2 to 6 traits totaling 6 pts
no trait greater than +3
Greatsword Expert +3
Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12
Paralysis/Petrify: 13
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 15
Breath: 16
Armor Class:
to be determined after equipment is bought, or...
hide armor gives base AC 7
Spells: none
Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +1
Equivalent Base THAC0: 19
Heroic Deeds:
Known: 3
Daily Risk Dice: 4
player to choose 3 known Heroic Deeds
greatsword (masterwork quality, non-magical)
mod.THAC0: 17, dmg: 1d10/3d6+5
hide armor (may upgrade to chainmail)
to be determined