I begin today's blog entry with this happy memory from my childhood — the ubiquitous puddy tat that always seemed be somewhere nearby at my great aunt and uncle Spickard's house next door as I was growing up.
This morning, Susan has gone to take care of a patient being discharged from the hospital. She has to dress a wound. I've been struggling with anxiety and depression and messaged my friend-in-similar-straits, KB, via Facebook Messenger, to inquire about how well he's coping with his own symptoms.
I think I've been so stressed at work at Adanta that I've felt the urge to escape, but I wonder if I'm not better off to stay put and see it through. I only lack 4 years till full retirement. At least that will be a few hundred dollars a month, and I could then seek to embark on another 10+ year career elsewhere (or else re-contracting with Adanta).
I've also been working on the Unit 4 Step 2 lesson in my C# programming social learning units on my Facebook group.