
for all things related to my Scarlet Horizons setting for roleplaying.


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A town of some 400 souls nestled in the foothills of the Moon Peaks. This town exports coal and limestone quarried in the hills. It maintains trade relations with Wyrdwood, Helix, Bogtown, and Ironguard Motte.

Kesloril's Scarp

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A high, craggy hill near the center of Darkwood Forest from which Donally Brook descends, flowing south to Donally Lake — which is bordered by forest along the majority of its twenty-six miles of shoreline.

Phancamp Session 16

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Session 16 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

06th June 2024 (6:00-9:00 CST) 3.0 hr session; cumulative: 47.25 hrs

previous session

In Session 16, the heroes traveled to Valtrex's ancestral home, Helmfast Keep, some two days' journey northwest from Helix. There, they destroyed some wererats, slew a guardian alligator, confronted and slew one of Valtrex's vampire offspring, and returned home victorious. Their alliance with Valtrex has resulted in the party acquiring several potent magical items.

At the end of the session, the PCs leveled up to overall level 13.

Circlet of Iron Necromancy

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The wearer of a Circlet of Iron Necromancy can control twice the normal HD of undead, and when calculating damage inflicted by their Life Tap ability, they factor in bonuses from both Wisdom and Intelligence, instead of selecting one or the other.

Robe of Many Eyes

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A Robe of Many Eyes has many symbolic eyes sewn into its exterior. When worn, this robe enables a conscious, unimpaired person to see 360° at all times. Effectively, the character cannot be caught flat-footed, and only surprised if magic or some extraordinary ability makes this possible. A person who sleeps in this robe will be warned of anyone approaching her with harmful intent, by the robe shocking the wearer awake (doesn't harm the wearer). Wearers of such a robe get a hefty bonus (DM's decision) on Notice rolls.

Life Tap

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At Necromancer 2, the necromancer gains the at-will Life Tap ability. His touch can siphon the life force of others to bolster his own. As an action, the necromancer can make a melee spell attack against a living creature, dealing necrotic damage equal to 1d8 + his Wisdom or Intelligence modifier on a hit, gaining temporary hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt. If this feature kills the creature, twice as many temporary hit points are gained from using this feature.

At Necromancer 3, Life Tap deals 2d8+Wis/Int mod, and can be delivered either via a touch attack or a ranged touch attack of up to thirty feet.

At Necromancer 4, Life Tap deals 3d8+Wis/Int modifier, and can be delivered by layering it on top of another spell effect (magic missile, finger of death, etc).

At the 5th and final level of Necromancer, the necromancer understands intuitively the processes that lead to lichdom, and Life Tap damage rises to 6d8+Wis/Int modifier.

Note: it is rumored that there are higher echelons of power within the ranks of necromancy, but that only vampires and liches may climb those ranks. If true, then there exists necromancer levels 6 through 10.

A necromancer may gain temporary hit points above and beyond his normal HP maximum in an amount equal to the product of X and his overall character level, where X is the sum of his Intelligence and Wisdom modifiers. Example: Uvron Alygrean Kesloril is a FGT 4/MAG 13/NEC 5 with Wis 15 and Int 18. Maximum temporary HP beyond normal maximum is 88.

Leo Constance

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Leo Constance — a human middle-age merchant encountered by Xavamros and Alemvean in the Darkwood Forest after he was beset by bandits. As it turned out, the man was on a supply run for the Argent Twilight.

Starting Equipment & Encumbrance

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The Standard Backpack

Regardless of character class or race, a backpack is presumed to contain the following gear inside it or attached to it externally via D-rings, and it is presumed that characters return to a village or town to restock their backpack between dungeon delves, or each time entering a new town — if traveling overland:

• 1 week's worth of iron rations
• 2 unused torches
• 1 spartan Duracloth blanket/tarp
• 1 change of clothing (trousers, jerkin, socks)
• camp gear (tin mess kit, blanket roll, canvas poncho)
• 40 ft. of balled twine
• 50' hemp rope (looped & tied to pack externally)
• a firestarter device (in a side pouch)
• 1 pint of strong spirits in a metallic flask
• a one-quart waterskin lashed the pack

The above is called a standard backpack. It's free. You start play with it and can spend your starting gold on things like armor and life insurance. The standard backpack can be shrugged off the shoulders and dropped using a single combat action. Characters who are attacked while carrying their backpack suffer, at minimmum, a penalty of 1 to both armor class and attack rolls because of their awkward burden. Therefore, PCs will shrug off the backpack when possible before combat erupts. When surprised while bearing the backpack, the PC must take a combat action to divest himself of the backpack, or else face the aforementioned penalties.

The weight of potions is negligible. It is presumed they come in thin metallic vials that can't easily break, unless otherwise specified, because of their value. There is adequate space in the standard backpack's pouches for five potion vials. Alternatively, a belt pouch may serve to carry these.

A character may wear his class's standard clothing and/or armor, i.e., his class harness, without undue encumberance. PCs are lightly encumbered when in armor and wearing the standard backpack, regardless of their Strength score.

Any PC in harness and wearing his backpack, and carrying 10+ pounds of loot has encumbrance worsened by one category; 25+ pounds of loot worsens encumbrance by two categories. Particularly strong characters may add an additional ten pounds per point of Strength attribute bonus. Thus, a STR 18 character wearing harness and pack would not become moderate encumbered until carrying 40 pounds of loot, and wouldn't become heavily encumbered until carrying 55 pounds of loot. Characters with any negative Strength modifier can only carry worn clothing and a pack; they aren't robust enough to wear armor effectively, and they cannot carry more than five pounds of loot.

A mage's belt pouch of spell components adds negligible weight and is ignored for the purposes of determining encumbrance. Likewise, a cleric's worn holy symbol add negligible weight, and if the fighter carries a map the same applies. A mage's spellbook does add to encumbrance. That extra flagon of wine the fighter carries adds to encumbrance. If the cleric bears a weighty statuette as a gift intended for a nearby shrine, that adds to encumbrance. Such items as these should be listed under Loot on the character sheet. Technically, they may be carried inside the backpack, but list them separately under Loot so that everyone means the same thing by the term standard backpack: "Oh shit, I lost my backpack and it also had my [insert Loot items] in it!"

Unencumbered characters are those wearing only normal clothing or class-normal armor and not bearing a standard backpack.

Lightly encumbered characters suffer -1 to attack rolls, Dexterity-based saving throws, and a +1 penalty to Armor class.

Moderately encumbered characters suffer -3 to attack rolls, Dexterity-based saving throws, and a +3 penalty to Armor class, and their movement is halved.

Heavily encumbered characters suffer -6 to attack rolls, Dexterity-based saving throws, and a +6 penalty to Armor class, and their movement is quartered.

Magic-Users can use up to light armor without loss of spellcasting. They cannot cast (usually) if using a shield, as many spells require both hands for somatic components.

Dax Scofflaw

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Dax Scofflaw
played by Grant Cockerham
Overall Level 1
AC: 6 (4 if you buy chainmail)
Neutral Good Beastman, HP: 14
Hgt: 7'0" Wgt: 350#
XP Total: 500
TNL: 1,500

Str: 16/10 (+2)
Dex: 15/10 (+1)
Con: 16/65 (+1)
Int: 13/10 (+1)
Wis: 11/10 (+0)
Cha: 14/10 (+1)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Advantage on all STR checks
+2 bonus on STR-based checks
+2 bonus on saves vs disease
on crit, foe makes Con check or knocked prone

need 2 to 6 traits totaling 6 pts
no trait greater than +3
Greatsword Expert +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12
Paralysis/Petrify: 13
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 15
Breath: 16

Armor Class:
to be determined after equipment is bought, or...
hide armor gives base AC 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +1
Equivalent Base THAC0: 19

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 3
   Daily Risk Dice: 4

player to choose 3 known Heroic Deeds

greatsword (masterwork quality, non-magical)
   mod.THAC0: 17, dmg: 1d10/3d6+5
hide armor (may upgrade to chainmail)

to be determined

Todd the Troglodyte

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Todd the Troglodyte — one of Lancaster Fox's contacts in the Upperdark.

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