Today I made the decision to henceforth store my website locally. I chose to run it atop ZWAMP, a micro-alternative to a LAMP stack that only has about a 405 Kb footprint on disk, and uses around 100 Kb of RAM. Now that's micro!
Installed it and got Flatpress CMS running quickly on my laptop. Getting it working on my desktop PC at home required me to first disable IIS in Windows 10 Program and Features, so that ZWAMP's Apache service would run. So, now I have practically unlimited storage space for my blog, and I can mirror it across multiple PCs and removable media.
My backup scheme is to stop ZWAMP temporarily, then archive it and the contents of its subfolders (note: web houses your website/blog) in .zip format, which I upload to my NAS, Mega, pCloud, etc.
I'll use my laptop as my day-to-day machine for website maintenance, and do regular syncs to my desktop machine and one or more removable and remote media repositories.
I'll have a rather more static online website, located — at the time of this writing — here.