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Important info re LPCA supervision

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important info regarding LPCA counselor candidates Inbox Supervision/Melissa Collins/MelissaCollinsSupervisionAgreement Supervision/Supervision_LPCA_Supervision_Agreement_Form

Bryan Miller Attachments Dec 9, 2024, 1:56 PM to Michael, Matthew

Hey both,

Vanessa Cotto asked me to reach out to you with this information, and I believe one or both of you may have already been in contact with Andrew Baron regarding the same thing.

The Ky LPCC board (responsible for LPCA, LPCC, and LPCC-S licensees) has decided to require Supervision Agreements to be filed and approved by the board before an LPCA (licensed professional counselor associate) can practice -- upon a change of employment.

This may affect some counselor candidates in the hiring funnel (for instance, Victoria Jones and Kailee Nolan). I had a conversation with Andrew Baron this morning, as this change in their stance currently is probably going to affect our newest Hazard Ky counselor, Melissa Collins. She and I have a Supervision Agreement on file with the board, but it's still 'pending'. I have asked Melissa to reach out to the board to see if that can be expedited.

I checked and Melissa Collins no longer has contact with her former supervisor, so that's not a temporary solution till the board accepts our filed Supervision Agreement.

Victoria Jones is due to begin onboarding next Monday 16th. I've emailed her a heads-up to try to ascertain if she is currently under someone's supervision.

I'm attaching an FAQ from the LPCC site that pertains to this concern.

Thank you!

Bryan Miller

Clinical Supervisor