Aboleth Spawn

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Adventurer aboleth spawn suffer a 5% experience penalty

• No. Enc: 1 (2d3) • Alignment: Chaotic • Movement: 30' • Armor Class: 6 • Hit Dice: 4 (typically 23-28 HP), or by level if PC/NPC • BAB +4, or by class and level if any adventurer • Attacks: 1 psuedopod slap (and special), or 1 by weapon • Damage: By single weapon attack or 1d4 via pseudopod slap • Special: Consitution-based save vs DC 12 or slowed • Save: F4, or by PC level if an adventurer • Morale: 10 • Hoard: 3d4 chroma, 1d4+4 royals, 1d4+8 copper (30% it's Red Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 600 per aboleth spawn defeated

Anytime five or more aboleth spawn are found together, one of them will be a 5 HD specimen with 31 HP and with 2d4+4 royals, 3d4+4 chroma, 2d4+6 copper (35% it's Red Cuprous). This leader will have the same Morale and saving throws as its fellows, but is BAB +5 and it's slap deals 1d4+2 (or 1d4 + adventurer aboleth-spawn Strength bonus, if greater than +2). A defeated leader aboleth spawn is worth 750 xp.

Aboleth spawn appendages are coated with a sticky, numbing secretion. Unarmored creatures struck with a pseudopod must make a Constitution-based saving throw versus DC 17 or be stuck fast. Such a creature suffers a four-point penalty to AC and then a further penalty of loss of any Dexterity bonus to AC. There is a 33% chance that a humanoid so struck and stuck will have its weapon hand and arm immobilized. A stuck fast creature may make further saving throws at the beginning of each new round, with a cumulative -1 penalty.

Armored characters must make the same type of saving throw, but at a DC 15.

Any creature that begins its turn stuck fast may be automatically dealt 1d4 constriction damage by the aboleth-spawn, so long as its other appendages remain free for this purpose.

In lieu of its stuck fast ability, the aboleth-spawn may instead choose to attempt to Slow a struck victim.