Herne the Hunter
also called the Horned God (Venator Cervus)
Demi-God of the Hunt, Swamps and Forests
Lawful Neutral (Good)
Symbol: An antlered human face or stag head
Herne is one of the Anganach or Ancient Ones. The worship of St. Ygg has replaced Herne in recent years, but there are those who still pray and offer sacrifices to him. Herne is the god of the northern woodlands, swamps, and the creatures that inhabit them. He prefers to take the form of a deer, or a man with an antlered deer's head. Herne chooses a favoured son, a druid, barbarian, ranger, or warrior, to serve him as the Guardian of the Forest. Some believe Herne is the son of Silvanus. The people of the region often use the phrase "Herne protect us" or "Herne protect you" as a toast or when parting company.
Each fall, the people of Helix celebrate the harvest by constructing a large effigy of Green Man or Herne in the village square made of dried peat, reeds, and hay.
The villagers, wearing masks symbolizing the animals of the swamp and forest, surround the effigy with sacrifices, conduct prayers, and then light it aflame on the night of the Autumnal Equinox. This is followed by a celebration of drinking, singing, and dancing. The church of
St. Ygg discourages this longstanding practice.