Heroic Deed: Arcane Deflection

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to Magic-User 1+ and Bards 2+. A faintly-visible field forms around you and endures for the remainder of this round, plus the next X rounds where X is equal to your overall caster levels. Any corporeal melee or ranged attack that hits you for the duration has its incoming damage reduced by Y, where Y is equal to the sum of your Intelligence modifier and one other ability score's modifier of your choice (minimum '1' result). Exception: on the round in which the shield forms, it blocks (Y + Z) damage, where Z is the ability score modifier of a third Ability Score not yet selected (minimum Z value of 1). Each time the shield thus reduces incoming damage, there is a cumulative one-percent chance that you gain 1 percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.