Argent Twilight

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Argent Twilight — The Argent Twilight is a secretive organization dedicated to recovering lost arcane lore and magical items. They also are intensely focused on recovering technologies from Ancient civilizations. This organization courts arcanists — particularly Enchanters, and Thieves — especially Dungeoneers. They seek reports, recovered scrolls and tomes, and ancient magic items and technologies so that they may study and (it is hoped) be able to replicate them. In exchange for members' supplying — or promising to supply — these things, the Argent Twilight is willing to provide its members supplies, knowledge, wealth, and other assistances.

Feyre handout session 2 Lancaster Phandelver campaign

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Feyre, we have had our eye on you for awhile now. We are Argent Twilight. As an adventurer, you are in a position to be valuable to us. We seek the reclamation of lost ancient knowledge, magic, and technology. We believe that the pursuit of knowledge alone justifies this. But we pursue these goals not solely for these reclamations themselves, but more importantly for the improved security and standard of living their recovery would engender. We are prepared to offer you ... generous inducements. If you are interested in meeting for further discussion, please leave at message at the Stonehill Inn for Lady K. The proprietor will make us aware.