Heroic Deed: Holy Aura

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Available only to good-aligned PAL 1+/CLE 9+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool. You draw down holy power to aid allies within thirty feet at the time of invocation. Allies gain 2 HP. For the remainder of this round and for the next ten rounds you gain an additional die of melee weapon damage, and those allies gain DR 2 against damage inflicted by evil foes. Whenever an ally is spared some damage by this DR, you have a 1% chance of gaining one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma ability score.

Heroic Deed: Aura of Enchantment

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Available to Enchanter 4+. You surround yourself with a visible aura that flickers rapidly between red and purple. Invoking this aura does not use up your action for the round. This aura endures for ten consecutive rounds, or until you lose consciousness or die — whichever condition is met first. Allies within sixty feet of your position gain a +2 bonus to all rolls for the duration, so long as they remain in range. You gain Advantage on the first saving throw or attack you make after invoking this deed and you gain resistance to one form of either attack (slashing, piercing, bludgeoning) or energy (fire, ice, necrotic, etc.) damage. A given mage or other party member cannot be under the influence of multiple simultaneous Auras of Enchantment.

Heroic Deed: Ancient Aura

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Available to dwarven clerics 3+. You gain a +X bonus to saving throws for the remainder of this and the next Y rounds, and +Z improvement to Armor Class for the same duration — where X is the Risk Die result, Y is your levels in Cleric to a dwarven deity, and Z is equal to (8 minus X). This deed makes clerics to Geddinthor, Thaneduhr, and Moradin extremely resilient in battle. A given cleric cannot be under the influence of multiple Ancient Auras simultaneously.