Heroic Deed: Penetrating Backstab

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Available to THF 7+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when you successfully hit with a backstab attack. If the result does not come up '1', there is a 1% chance you gain a single percentile point to your Dex score and you re-roll any 1's or 2's on dice results before applying the x3 backstab multiplier for damage. If the damage die is a d6 or greater, also re-roll 3's.

Heroic Deed: Dastardly Backstab

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Available to CUT 3+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1': the next time in the minute that you successfully Circle or Backstab a foe, add your STR and/or DEX modifier(s) to the damage before multiplying with the x3 backstab multiplier, instead of afterward. If this attack kills your target, gain one percentile to either your STR or DEX Ability Score.