Heroic Deed: Charge Item

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to Mage 3+, Cleric 5+ (and subclasses 2+). If you know the spell or effect stored in the item, you may imbue the item with one additional charge — or, if you rolled '8' with your Risk Die, two charges. You may not charge an item to which you are not attuned. If a charged item ever uses the last remaining charge, the item disintegrates and is forever lost. You may, alternatively, use this deed to pull a charge from an untended magical item or enduring area effect. Tend (worn, held, warded) items get a saving throw. When you pull from a charged item, it loses 1 charge and you may do one of the following: gain 3 hit points, add a charge to one of your attuned items, or regain a 1st level spell. When you use this alternative way of enacting this deed, if you target a charged item you carry and to which you are attuned, you may draw a number of charges from the item in the range 1 to [Risk Die result]. Use those charges for healing or to regain one or more cast spells.