Available to Gunslinger 1+, Ranger 1+, Thief 9+, Thief sub-classes 6+. Roll a Risk Die, record the result, and sacrifice it. You have rapidly fired a volley of {(Risk Die Result)/2} (rounded down; minimum of 2) bullets or arrows (depending upon the weapon used). A foe — visible within your line of sight and at range of sixty feet or less — must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Death for each projectile. On a successful save, the foe gets winged by each bullet/arrow for 1 HP. On a failed saving throw, each of those bullets/arrows hits for (8 damage + DEX modifier) each (or 1 HD each, if converted to Scarlet Heroes damage). For each projectile for which the saving throw failed, you have a cumulative 3% chance of gaining a percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.