Heroic Deed: Animate Dead

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to NEC 1+. You animate and control one dead creature whose remains lie within thirty feet of you — whether buried or not. While controlling this animated corpse, you cannot make attacks or cast spells of your own, but you may move and may use any Heroic Deed that doesn't require more than 5-feet of movement or an attack of any sort. The animated corpse or skeleton has double your maximum HP, DR 3/-, a THAC0 four points better than your raw THAC0, a movement rate of 30, and never checks morale. The controlled undead always seeks to interpose itself between you and incoming melee attacks. Each successful use raises and allows you to control one corpse. You may control up to {Necromancer Level} corpses simultaneously, through multiple uses of this Heroic Deed. The duration of each is one hour per level you hold in Necromancer.