Heroic Deed: Necropivot

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Available to NEC 1+ and to certain undead monsters. If you successfully activate this heroic deed, your current Hit Points change as follows: your current HP become equal to the total number of HP you have lost thus far in this encounter.

A necromancer may attempt this deed only once per combat round, and not more than once in a given encounter.

A dracolich may use Necropivot a single time in any given combat encounter.

Example: Sarloch is a FGT 4/MAG 3/NEC 3 with maximum HP 49. In combat, he is dropped to 20 HP after getting caught in a fireball (a loss of 29 HP). He's able to quaff a potion and regain 17 of those, putting him back up to 37 HP but then takes an arrow from a longbowman's enchanted weapon and ammunition, dropping to 12 HP (a loss of 25 HP). So he's lost a total of 54 HP during the entire encounter.

He's now out of potions and in dire straits, so he activates Necropivot. It succeeds, and his current HP (12) pivot and become equal to the total HP he's lost thus far in this encounter (54). This puts his at his maximum (49), plus 5 more temporary HP.

For every ten HP (or fraction thereof) lost in an encounter before activating this deed, there is a 1% cumulative chance that you gain a percentile point to either WIS or INT — your choice.

Heroic Deed: Steely Gaze

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Available to GUN 1+, THF + Subs totaling 12+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you succeed at the check, all humanoid foes within sixty feet that can see you — and which have HD or level lower than your overall level — will suffer -{Risk Die Result} to their next attack roll against you or saving throw that you caused, whichever occurs first. If your GUN/THF level is greater than the Risk Die's result, use it instead. For each failed attack roll against you or saving throw you trigger, there is a cumulative 1% chance you gain one percentile point to your DEX. When you successfully activate Steely Gaze, regain HP equal to your DEX modifier.

Heroic Deed: Staggering Strike

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Available to FGT 6+ class, and to THF or Subs 10+. When you make a successful weapon attack against a humanoid whose level or HD are less than your overall level, you can expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', you deal an additional die of weapon damage with the current attack, and with any future attacks you land of this particular foe in this particular combat encounter. At the end of the encounter, there is an X% chance that you gain one percentile point to your DEX, where X is the total number of attacks you landed on that foe.

Heroic Deed: Soul of the Warrior

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Available only to the Fighter core class and its subclasses. If your rolled Risk Die doesn't come up '1', you gain a number of Soul of the Warrior points equal to (Risk Die result + 2 + STR bonus + Dex Bonus), and there is a {Soul of the Warrior points}% chance you gain one percentile to STR. During the current combat encounter, apply one or more of these points as desired to your to-hit or damage rolls at any time. Whenever you do this in a given combat round, you may also move an additional ten feet, so long as you are not hindered or moving through difficult terrain.

Heroic Deed: Silent Sneak

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Available to THF 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it does not come up '1', add the result — modified by your Dexterity bonus — to a Move Silently check called for by the Dungeon Master. If you succeed at your Move Silently check after activation of this deed, you are utterly quiet in your movement. If it is dark or there are deep shadows, you are also lost in shadows and unable to be tracked by foes or allies, unless they have some magical means of doing so. This state lasts for a number of rounds equal to your total Thief and Thief-subclass levels. If you successfully Circle attack or Backstab while under this deed's effects, add your Thief levels to damage after applying the appropriate multiplier, and gain HP equal to your DEX modifier, and there is a {DEX modifier}% chance you gain one percentile point to your DEX score.

Heroic Deed: Slow & Steady

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Available to the Fighter and Thief core classes and their subclasses and to CLE/MAG 1+ and Sohei 3+. When you successfully activate this deed, any hasted foes lose haste, you and your allies and foes alike lose de-buffs and negative status, and — if they don't successfully save versus spells — also lose any buffs. Your own buffs are not affected. Everyone within sixty feet of you is affected. For each foe that loses any buffs, there is a 1% that you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score. Regardless of whether you successfully activate this Heroic Deed, you gain 10 HP when it is attempted. You may not attempt this deed more than once in a given combat round.

Heroic Deed: Skin of Your Teeth

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Available to FGT 1+/THF 1+/PAL 1+/RNG 1+ class and their subclasses. When you miss with an attack, roll and sacrifice a Risk Die from your pool. If the die doesn't come up '1', add it to the d20 roll and recalculate success/failure of the to-hit or saving throw and regain a hit point. If this hit point gain puts you exactly at your maximum HP, then there is a ten percent chance of adding ten percentile points to a random ability score. Otherwise, there is a 5% chance of adding 5 percentile points to a random ability score.

Heroic Deed: Short Port

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DRU 1+/MAG 2+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you succeed at the check, you instantly engage in a short teleportation (a short port). You reappear within range of {1 + Risk Die Result} yards of the position at which you engaged this Deed, so long as you can see the destination clearly and that spot is not already occupied. You may port to a raised balcony, across a rushing stream, or behind an enemy in combat. There is an X% chance you gain one additional percentile point to your Intelligence score, where X is equal to the number of yards you ported.

Heroic Deed: Sheathing the Sword

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Available to FGT 2+, SOH 2+

You allow the next melee attack made against you to strike you by actually stepping into the attack so that you use your body to sheath your foe's blade (only works against bladed slashing, hacking, or piercing weapons). To trigger this deed, wait for your toe-to-toe melee foe to successfully strike you, then declare use of Sheathing the Sword. Roll and sacrifice a Risk Die. As long as it doesn't come up '1', you have succeeded in sheathing your foe's weapon in your body. You may, in turn, make an attack roll. As long as it's not a fumble, you hit and deal twice your normal damage if using a knife, dagger, or sword — or else max damage if using some other type of weapon. You sustain max damage from the foe's blade. There is an X% chance you gain one percentile point to your Strength score — where X is equal to the total damage you received from Sheathing the Sword.

Heroic Deed: St. Ygg's Shield

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Available to PAL 3+, CLE 12+ of Saint Ygg

Sacrifice a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', your shield floats free of your grasp and flies about you magically at high speed, improving your AC two points further than the equipped shield normally imparts. You gain DR 3 that stacks with any other DR you already possess. The duration is one round per each cleric and paladin level. You must, minimally, be a first level cleric of St. Ygg to gain and use this heroic deed. The DR and AC improvement from this deed will stack with any other bonuses. However, you may not benefit from more than one instance of this deed at one time. Should the duration of combat make it desirable, you may sacrifice another Risk Die to prolong the duration — at just the moment the effect would normally end. Doing so prevents interruption in the protection and does not require a roll of the sacrificed Risk Die.

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