Heroic Deed: Dazing Spell

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Available to MAG8 or SUB5+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1': a spell you cast this round that inflicts damage also dazes the target if the target fails a Moldvay saving throw versus Death Ray.

Heroic Deed: Covering Fire

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Available to Gunslinger 1+, Ranger 1+, Thief 9+, Thief sub-classes 6+. Roll a Risk Die, record the result, and sacrifice it. You have rapidly fired a volley of {(Risk Die Result)/2} (rounded down; minimum of 2) bullets or arrows (depending upon the weapon used). A foe — visible within your line of sight and at range of sixty feet or less — must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Death for each projectile. On a successful save, the foe gets winged by each bullet/arrow for 1 HP. On a failed saving throw, each of those bullets/arrows hits for (8 damage + DEX modifier) each (or 1 HD each, if converted to Scarlet Heroes damage). For each projectile for which the saving throw failed, you have a cumulative 3% chance of gaining a percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.

Heroic Deed: Coordinated Strike

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Available to any character with one or more levels in Fighter, or with three or more levels in Thief or a Thief sub-class. Use this deed only when you and an ally have both successfully hit the same foe in melee in a given combat round. Your ally must also use Coordinated Strike this round.

Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Compare your Risk Die Result with that of your ally. Pick the higher result. This is the Preferred Risk Die Result. Choose the better damage result from your damage die/dice result and that of your ally. This is the Preferred Damage Result. Sum the two and apply it as damage to your mutual foe. If using Scarlet Heroes damage, add 1 additional HD of damage for every two full points that this sum is above "7". Example: 16 would resolve to 8 HD of damage dealt.

If the two of you would have dealt more damage without Coordinated Strike, apply uncoordinated damage instead. Both you and your ally who also activated this heroic deed gain a one percentile improvement to an Ability Score of your respective choice.

Heroic Deed: Cleave

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Available to FGT 7+, PAL 4+. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or score a critical hit with a melee weapon on your turn, you can spend a Risk Die by rolling it. If the Risk Die result isn't '1', move up to 15 feet and make another melee weapon attack as part of the same action, regaining a Hit Point. This is not considered a second attack. On a hit, you add the Risk Die's result to the attack's damage roll, and if that attack slays/destroys the target: regain a spent Risk Die and gain one percentile point to your STR Ability Score. If your Cleave results in a foe's death, you may trigger yet another Cleave, so long as you have an available Risk Die in your Pool.

Heroic Deed: Charge Item

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Available to Mage 3+, Cleric 5+ (and subclasses 2+). If you know the spell or effect stored in the item, you may imbue the item with one additional charge — or, if you rolled '8' with your Risk Die, two charges. You may not charge an item to which you are not attuned. If a charged item ever uses the last remaining charge, the item disintegrates and is forever lost. You may, alternatively, use this deed to pull a charge from an untended magical item or enduring area effect. Tend (worn, held, warded) items get a saving throw. When you pull from a charged item, it loses 1 charge and you may do one of the following: gain 3 hit points, add a charge to one of your attuned items, or regain a 1st level spell. When you use this alternative way of enacting this deed, if you target a charged item you carry and to which you are attuned, you may draw a number of charges from the item in the range 1 to [Risk Die result]. Use those charges for healing or to regain one or more cast spells.

Heroic Deed: Call of the Wild

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Available to DRU 1+. The druid can focus on an area extending outward from the Druid to a distance of one hundred yards/meters per druid level. The druid can then call to it a number of animals and/or beasts whose total HD do not exceed the Druid's level + the Druid's Wisdom modifier + the result of the rolled dice. He can call to specific animals that he can see, hear, or otherwise possesses an awareness of (ie: through use of the Nature's Imprint heroic deed) or, if the druid is unaware of specific animals in the area, the druid can instead call to a specific type of animal that it is aware of within the area of effect of this heroic deed. If a druid is unaware of the types of animals in the area, the druid can instead call to it random animals, starting with those with the most favorable attitude working down to those of the least, if need be.

Heroic Deed: Brace

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Available to Paladin 1+, Fighter 4+, and to Cleric 8+ and its sub-classes with overall character level 5+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Let X equal (Risk Die Result + 1 + CHA bonus). All allies within thirty feet of you who can hear your voice gain gain X Brace Points. Affected allies may, until these Brace Points are depleted, each combat round choose to apply these Brace Points in any combination to saving throws, to-hit rolls, skill checks, or as a bonus to AC. Alternatively, two Brace Points may be spent to regain 1 Hit Point. Choose one affected ally: s/he regains a spent Risk Die. A given character cannot enjoy Brace Points from more than a single source at one time. Choose an affected ally or yourself. That character has a 5% of gaining a one percentile point improvement to a random Ability Score.

Heroic Deed: Blitz

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Available to Paladin/Ranger 1+, other Fighters of overall level 3+, Sohei 5+, and other clerics with overall level 9+. You may direct a friendly creature within 60 feet of you that can see or hear you to fight alongside you. The chosen creature can move up to its speed or make a single weapon attack even if it's already moved and/or already attacked this round. And, it gains +{Risk Die Result} to the to-hit and damage rolls. If your total Fighter levels are greater than the Risk Die Roll, substitute that value. If both you and the ally inflict HP damage that round, you each have a 5% chance of gaining one percentile point to a random Ability Score.

Heroic Deed: Blessed Assurance

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Available to ALL. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it: You or an ally within 60 feet of you receives a 1+{your core Cleric levels} bonus to the first to-hit roll and the first saving throw roll made this round. If the result of the Risk Die roll is greater than your total core Cleric levels, use it instead. When you successfully invoke Blessed Assurance, you or one ally regains hit points (or gains temporary hit points) equal to your cleric levels. If the recipient of these hit points is under the effect of a bless spell, they instead gain twice your total clerical (and sub-clerical) caster levels hit points. Paladin levels count as cleric levels for the purpose of using this heroic deed, but druid and sohei levels do not. If you affect an injured ally with this heroic deed invocation, there is a 5% chance you gain one percentile point to your WIS ability score.

Heroic Deed: Bardic Warding

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Available to Bard 3+ only. With a musical, subaudible four-syllable vocalization in the language of the Far Ancients, you breathe into existence a shimmering, hovering golden ward. It can only be dispelled by a foe who makes a DC {25 + Bard level} opposed check. Unless dispelled or released prior to its duration by the bard herself, this ward endures for {Bard levels + Die Result + Charisma modifier} rounds. While the ward endures, the Bard has resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from all sources. Bardic Warding can stack with Arcane Deflection.

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