Druid sub-class

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Prime ability: Wisdom; Druids in Scarlet Horizons don't cast spells beyond what they learned as clerics. Instead, they get their utility from innate abilities and Heroic Deeds.


Party Boon at Druid 1: A party containing a Druid can camp in the wilderness without fear of natural creatures of the area. Indeed, natural predators of the area will attempt to protect the druid. If the party's Druid is Druid 3 or higher, party members within ten feet of the druid enjoy a +1 druidic bonus to saving throws versus fire.

Personal Boon at Druid 3: At Druid 3, a druid gains resistance to fire, both mundane and magical.

Druids do not count their Druid levels when turning undead. They can turn entities that are antithetical to the natural order — aberrations, and in so doing both their Cleric and Druid levels apply.

When a druid wields a stick, club, cudgel, or staff, it counts as a form of magical, unbreakable shillelagh while held by the druid. When attacking with this weapon, the druid adds her Druid level(s) to to-hit rolls and to the weapon's 1d6 base damage.

The Druid subclass gives the PC the ability to communicate with animals at will through a form of bestial telepathy. The form this communication takes is non-verbal and nowhere near the sophistication of people's conversations. However, the druid is able to get her point across and natural creatures (non-monsters) are predisposed to have a favorable reaction to the druid.

Druids can move through naturally occurring difficult terrain completely unhindered — briar thickets, entangling undergrowth, boot-sucking mud in a bog or swamp, etc.

Once daily, a druid can shapeshift in the blink of an eye. It literally takes a fraction of a second. A druid can shape change at the beginning of a round and still take her normal attack and movement. Upon shapeshifting, any injury or reduction to hit points is restored. The druid regains their normal maximum hit points, plus a number of temporary hit points.

A druid can maintain this shifted shape for up to 1d6+x turns, where x is equal to her druid level. Upon returning to her natural shape, a druid has hit points proportional to those her shapeshifted form possessed at the time of transition back to normal shape.

For instance, Kelek the Antlered One is at 21/25 HP and shapechanges into a Dire Wolf with 28 HP + 7 temp HP — for a total of 35 HP. During combat, his winter wolf form drops to 20/35 (i.e., 57.1% of max). If Kelek transitions back to normal shape, he'll have 57.1% of his normal HP max of 25, which is 14 HP.

A former necromancer may recant their evil path and later in life become a druid. She must never again use her necrotic powers, or else she loses all druidic powers forever.

If a druid turns to the dark side and becomes a necromancer, she loses all druidic powers; however, her former Druid levels become Cleric levels. For example, A Cleric 3/Druid 4 embraces darkness, becoming a Necromancer. She is now a Cleric 7/Necromancer 1, and her clerical levels correspond to veneration of an evil power.

The Druid subclass gives access to the Short Port Heroic Deed.