Heroic Deed: Ancient Aura

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Available to dwarven clerics 3+. You gain a +X bonus to saving throws for the remainder of this and the next Y rounds, and +Z improvement to Armor Class for the same duration — where X is the Risk Die result, Y is your levels in Cleric to a dwarven deity, and Z is equal to (8 minus X). This deed makes clerics to Geddinthor, Thaneduhr, and Moradin extremely resilient in battle. A given cleric cannot be under the influence of multiple Ancient Auras simultaneously.

Heroic Deed: Ancestral Animus

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to Dwarves (of any classes/levels) only. You gain a {Risk Die Result} to-hit roll bonus against giants, goblinoids of all sorts, and ogres for the duration of the current active combat in which you are engaged. Against other foe-types, the bonus to-hit is equal to your Wisdom modifier or the Risk Die result minus one, whichever is least. If you crit an ancestral foe while under the effects of this deed, there is a 5% chance you gain five percentile points to your Strength attribute.