Spell: Eldritch Bolt

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Eldritch Bolt (1st level mage)

Casting Time: 1 standard action (precludes a melee attack by caster) Duration: Instantaneous Range: 90 feet

A bolt of eldritch force unerringly strikes your intended target within range, and for whom you have a clear line of sight. The bolt inflicts 1d6+1 points of force damage, no saving throw. This damage increases by 1d6+1 for every two arcane caster levels you possess beyond the 1st — 2d6+2 at 3 caster levels, 3d6+3 total at 5 caster levels, 4d6+4 at 7 caster levels, etc., to a maximum of 9d6+5. This spell can only target corporeal creatures or objects. It would not, for instance, be useful against a ghost.

The damage dice for this spell explode.

You may sacrifice a memorized spell of 1st level or higher in order to cast an Eldritch Bolt. If you have the Intensifier trait, add an additional number of d6 damage dice equal to that trait's value. For instance, Feyre at OVL-11, CL: 08 would roll 4d6+4, plus one additional d6 die.

Heroic Deed: Eldritch Wrath

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Available to MAG 7+, mage subclass 4+. Expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it comes up '1', you suffer X points of arcane backlash; otherwise, apply 5X damage split any way you desire among up to three targets within sixty feet of your position. If a target has more hit dice or levels than you, it gets a saving throw versus spells to suffer only half this damage, rounded up. If a living creature is slain by this effect, you gain a hit point. 'X' is equal to your total caster levels. You must have Intelligence of 16+ to use this heroic deed. You may choose to apply all the damage to a single target. There is a flat five-percent chance, each time you successfully slay a foe with damage dealt solely from this deed, to inflict damage on another, of gaining +5 percentile points to an ability score of your choice. You may not benefit in this way more than five times while at any given overall character level. If any ability score is greater than 18 and you choose to increase it, you only gain a single percentile point.

Heroic Deed: Eldritch Swap

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Available to Magic-User 1+, Bard 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you roll a 1, nothing happens; otherwise, you disappear from your current location and reappear ten milliseconds later behind one bipedal creature or construct that is within sixty feet of your original position. You may attack that humanoid from behind with a +4 bonus to-hit — even if you've already made a melee attack this round. You may attempt this Deed before or after using your Fray Die for the round. There is a five percent chance of a random ability score gaining 10 percentile points when you use this deed. If you don't gain percentile points, then you do regain 1 HP.

Heroic Deed: Eldritch Blast

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Available to WAR 1+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result comes up '1', succeed at a DC 9 Charisma check in order to push through momentary interference to your connection with your patron. If the Risk Die comes up '8', you'll add your Charisma modifier (if positive) to damage you inflict this encounter with Eldritch Blast. For the remainder of this combat encounter, you are able to call freely upon your patron's power in order to cast an eldritch blast of force at a target within 120 ft. for which you have a line of sight each round. You may use this ability to unerringly strike the target once per round. This counts as your attack for the round, though you may still move up to your movement rate and it doesn't preclude use of a Fray die, if applicable. The blast hits automatically for 1d10 force damage. If you have 11+ overall character levels, two such blasts may be used. If level 17+, three; and if level 21+, four. If you get multiple blasts, they may all be directed at the same target, or you may choose different targets. If you are struck for combat damage or take on a negative status effect while targeting a blast, a DC 11 Constitution check is required to successfully target the blast(s).


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residuum — a rare magical substance coveted for its ability to catalyze magical transformations and transmutations.


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Magic — Many of the smartest people alive today disagree as to the specific nature and definition of magic. A consensus among a sizable minority of sages holds that magic is the application of extremely advanced technology that was gifted to Earth during the Visitation. The belief is that this technology (or, perhaps, these technologies) enable the marshaling of geomantic forces to bend and sometimes alter reality.