Enchanter sub-class

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Prime ability: Wisdom or Intelligence

Enchanters are the cat's meow — the masters of enchantment — and it is their Art that outfits a band of competent adventurers and turns them into conquering heroes. Sure, you can leave things to chance, or to the fickle benevolence of the DM. But why, when you can become the creator of fantastically powerful magical items yourself?

Party Boon at Enchanter 1: Once per day, an Enchanter may imbue one weapon or piece of armor with a +1 bonus — above and beyond any usual bonuses possessed by the item. This additional +1 bonus lasts for one full minute (i.e., ten combat rounds).

Personal Boon at Enchanter 3: At third level the Enchanter gains Advantage on rolls to create magic items or to permanently enchant existing masterwork or magical items, and Advantage on saving throws versus any enchantment type spells.

At Enchanter 2, the at-will once-daily magical bonus bestowed by an Enchanter rises to +2, still for one full minute. At Enchanter 3, +3 bonus; at Enchanter 4, +4; and at Enchanter 5 the bonus for one full minute is +5.

At the 5th and final level of Enchanter, the Enchanter's may speak a word of power as a bonus/free action and all of her weapons and armor, as well as all of her party's weapons and armors (for allies within thirty feet of her at the time the power word is spoken) gain a +2 bonus for the next full minute.

This is above and beyond any other bonuses those items normally possess. Optionally, the Enchanter may choose to imbue a single piece of equipment with a +5 bonus for the full minute duration.