Enhance Enchantment

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Available to Bard 11+, Magic-User 7+, Mage subclasses 4+, Cleric 9+, and Cleric sub-classes 6+. Spend 500 gp in alchemical oils and three full days working on a piece of equipment of Flawless Construction. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 13. If you are an Enchanter also add your Enchanter level. If you succeed, you have enhanced the equipment's existing magical bonus by one point. If a weapon, it now has +2 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+3 if you're an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC two steps better (three steps if you are an Enchanter) than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC two steps better (three steps better if you are an Enchanter) than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. It succeeds on saving throws against destruction if the raw d20 roll is above 2. If you fail the check, you must spend another two days and another 500 gp (1 day and 400 gp if you are an Enchanter) and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus. If the item has charges, it's maximum charges increases by two (or by three, if you are an Enchanter). The item is now a candidate for the Superlative Enchantment heroic deed.

Heroic Deed: Aura of Enchantment

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Available to Enchanter 4+. You surround yourself with a visible aura that flickers rapidly between red and purple. Invoking this aura does not use up your action for the round. This aura endures for ten consecutive rounds, or until you lose consciousness or die — whichever condition is met first. Allies within sixty feet of your position gain a +2 bonus to all rolls for the duration, so long as they remain in range. You gain Advantage on the first saving throw or attack you make after invoking this deed and you gain resistance to one form of either attack (slashing, piercing, bludgeoning) or energy (fire, ice, necrotic, etc.) damage. A given mage or other party member cannot be under the influence of multiple simultaneous Auras of Enchantment.


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residuum — a rare magical substance coveted for its ability to catalyze magical transformations and transmutations.