Heroic Deed: Rapid Fire

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Available to RNG 3+, FGT 7+, GUN 4+, FGT subs 4+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Divide the result in half, rounded up, and assign it to variable N. If you succeed at a DC 9 Dexterity check, you're able to get off {1 + N} rapid shots with a bow (non-gunslingers) or revolvers (gunslingers only). The first attack is at your normal to-hit, and succeeding shots suffer a -1 cumulative to-hit penalty. You may divide these attacks among as many targets as desired. For the next N rounds, you cannot attempt Rapid Fire — it's a cool-down period. Rapid Fire is not usable in the same round that you use either Aim Carefully or Eagle Eye. Let X equal the number of shots that actually hit their target. There is an X% chance you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity score.

Spell: Fireball

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Fireball (3rd level mage)

Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet

A fist-sized ball of flame streaks from your outstretched hand to a point you designate within sixty feet of your position and then explodes into a momentary, intensely hot sphere of fire thirty feet across. This inflicts one d6 of fire damage per level the caster possesses in mage and mage subclasses. This spell can be maximized by sacrificing two daily Risk Dice. If maximized, no die rolls are needed. The spell inflicts 6 points per die. Sacrificing a vial of red dragon blood will also maximize this spell. If you sacrifice a copper coin while casting, that permits re-rolling 1 results. If you already re-roll 1's and 2's due to magical item attunement, sacrificing a copper coin will permit re-rolling 4's. Flammable items such as clothing may be set aflame and continue to burn after the fireball's nearly instantaneous duration ends — subject to the Dungeon Master's discretion.

Heroic Deed: Covering Fire

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Available to Gunslinger 1+, Ranger 1+, Thief 9+, Thief sub-classes 6+. Roll a Risk Die, record the result, and sacrifice it. You have rapidly fired a volley of {(Risk Die Result)/2} (rounded down; minimum of 2) bullets or arrows (depending upon the weapon used). A foe — visible within your line of sight and at range of sixty feet or less — must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Death for each projectile. On a successful save, the foe gets winged by each bullet/arrow for 1 HP. On a failed saving throw, each of those bullets/arrows hits for (8 damage + DEX modifier) each (or 1 HD each, if converted to Scarlet Heroes damage). For each projectile for which the saving throw failed, you have a cumulative 3% chance of gaining a percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.