Dax Scofflaw

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Dax Scofflaw
played by Grant Cockerham
Overall Level 1
AC: 6 (4 if you buy chainmail)
Neutral Good Beastman, HP: 14
Hgt: 7'0" Wgt: 350#
XP Total: 500
TNL: 1,500

Str: 16/10 (+2)
Dex: 15/10 (+1)
Con: 16/65 (+1)
Int: 13/10 (+1)
Wis: 11/10 (+0)
Cha: 14/10 (+1)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Advantage on all STR checks
+2 bonus on STR-based checks
+2 bonus on saves vs disease
on crit, foe makes Con check or knocked prone

need 2 to 6 traits totaling 6 pts
no trait greater than +3
Greatsword Expert +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12
Paralysis/Petrify: 13
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 15
Breath: 16

Armor Class:
to be determined after equipment is bought, or...
hide armor gives base AC 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +1
Equivalent Base THAC0: 19

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 3
   Daily Risk Dice: 4

player to choose 3 known Heroic Deeds

greatsword (masterwork quality, non-magical)
   mod.THAC0: 17, dmg: 1d10/3d6+5
hide armor (may upgrade to chainmail)

to be determined

Vacation pics and a celebrated anniversary

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This morning I submitted an OTR and talked with CP about her ongoing health crisis and treatment saga. I offered to help her with gas money if/when she must travel to different specialists.

Grant has turned into a fine young man. He's continuing to attend Lindsey Wilson College, is helping Mr. Allen with the LWC band, and is working at Sonic. I'm proud to be his stepfather.

I'm also showing a photograph, on the left, taken about a decade ago when Susan and I were on our honeymoon in Mexico.

This photo shows the 100-person capacity hi-speed ferry that took tourists from our cruise ship to the mainland in order to see the ancient ruins. We ate authentic Mexican cuisine there, and boy was it spicy! We've taken a Florida vacation since then, and last year Susan and I went -- just the two of us -- to the Smoky Mountains for a weekend getaway.

Susan and I ate anniversary supper at Ponzi's. Now we're watching Money Heist on Netflix.