Grok Goldtooth

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Grok Goldtooth
Barbarian 2
AC 6 (leather, Dex)
31 Hit Points

Str: 17/20 (+2)
Dex 12/95 (+0)
Con: 16/10 (+2)
Int 10/25 (+0)
Wis 10/85 (+0)
Cha: 08/20 (-1)

Grok is a half-orc, but looks closer to full-orc. He wields a heavy battleaxe that inflicts base damage of 1d0 (3d6 versus Large or bigger creatures). He hair prematurely graying hair, and never fails to get fighting mad when Krelg Sawsword called him 'Grandfather'. In hostile situations, Grok usually chooses to kill first and ask questions later. Truthfully, he rarely has any questions other than where his next will is coming from.

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods/Staves/Spells: 16