Hellbane is an infernal, supernatural poison which warlocks (and some clerics) of Asmodeus can produce at will using an orison.
The poison can be administered either orally or by wounding a victim with a poisoned puncturing or edged weapon.
When administered via a wound, it has an onset of five seconds, plus one additional second per point of positive Constitution modifier of the victim. When ingested, it takes 1d6 minutes to take effect — varying with how relatively full the victim's stomach is at the moment of ingestion.
In the first round of onset, Hellbane inflicts 1d4 Constitution damage and twice that many points of hit point damage. If the victim successfully makes a saving throw versus Deathray or Poison (using Moldvay saving throw table), CON and HP damage are only 1. Regardless of whether the save is successful, there is a 90% chance the victim is robbed of the ability to speak.
In the second round after onset, Hellbane inflicts 2d4 Constitution damage and twice that many hit points of damage. Half those amounts (rounding down) if a saving throw is successful.
Cure: neutralize poison or two consecutive successful saving throws. Lost CON points are regained at a rate of 1 per hour of rest. Hellbane may kill someone via either HP reduction or by reducing their Constitution to zero.
In the third and successive rounds, assuming the victim hasn't succeeded at two consecutive saving throws, Hellbane inflicts 1d4 Constitution damage and twice that many points of hit point damage. If the victim successfully makes a saving throw versus Deathray or Poison (using Moldvay saving throw table), CON and HP damage are only 1. Regardless of whether the save is successful, there is a 90% chance the victim is robbed of the ability to speak.