Heroic Deed: Eldritch Swap

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Available to Magic-User 1+, Bard 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you roll a 1, nothing happens; otherwise, you disappear from your current location and reappear ten milliseconds later behind one bipedal creature or construct that is within sixty feet of your original position. You may attack that humanoid from behind with a +4 bonus to-hit — even if you've already made a melee attack this round. You may attempt this Deed before or after using your Fray Die for the round. There is a five percent chance of a random ability score gaining 10 percentile points when you use this deed. If you don't gain percentile points, then you do regain 1 HP.

Heroic Deed: Dweomer Determination

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Bard 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4+ or subclass 1+. When you sacrifice a Risk Die and successfully activate this ability, then for the next eight hours you may detect magical auras on beings and items, identify an item as per the Identify spell, or use up the deed's duration in order to mimic the Legend Lore spell as you study a particular item. Mages who are running this when targeted by spells gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving throw versus those spells, due to the insight their dweomer determination yields regarding the spells' functioning. This bonus is also added if Dissonant Vocalization is used during a round in which Dweomer Determination was running and the hero was targeted by a spell the hero attempted to counter with Dissonant Vocalization.

Heroic Deed: Dual Heroic Deeds Activation

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Available to PC with overall level 8+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then choose any two other Heroic Deeds and activate them without expending a Risk Die. Each of those two deeds activates successfully. When you succeed in the use of this Dual Heroic Deeds, you — and any allies within 30 feet of you — regain 3 hit points. Optionally, also remove one condition or spell-effect from your person. Choose an ability score that is currently below 17 and role d100. On a result in the range 01-05, add +10 percentile points to that ability score. If none of your Ability scores are below 17, choose an ability score and there is a 5% chance it gains 5 percentile points. You may not use Dual Heroic Deeds more than once in a given combat round.

Heroic Deed: Drunken Master

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Available to Monk 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If successful: the next time you use Flurry of Blows in the current combat encounter, if it is successful then you make five attacks rather than the usual three.

Heroic Deed: Double Thrust

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Bard 1+, THF 3+, FGT 5+ or subs 3+. When you attack with a finesse weapon that permits optional use of your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier in determining to-hit, sacrifice a Risk Die. If successful, you may make an immediate (same round) 2nd attack with the weapon, adding {Risk Die Result} to the other to-hit modifiers, and {8 - Risk Die Result) to the rolled damage sum — before conversion, if using Scarlet Heroes damage. This doesn't count as a second attack. You may not benefit from Double Thrust more than once in a single combat round. If your Double-Thrust enabled attack slays or incapacitates its target, gain one percentile point to a random Ability Score.

Heroic Deed: Dissonant Vocalization

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Available to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. Your voice carries power. When a foe attacks a comerade within twenty feet of your position, or a foe that can hear or has tremorsense attempts spellcasting within twenty feet of you and within your line of sight, you may sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Assign to variable Penalty the result of the Risk Die roll. If Penalty is greater than 4, instead assign {8 - Risk Die result} to Penalty. The foe must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Rods (adjusted for the level/HD difference) at a penalty of Penalty. Failure indicates the foe's spellcasting is foiled, or the foe's melee attack suffers disadvantage. This deed is a swift action that does not preclude movement or making an attack or Fray Die roll. If you successfully foil a spell or attack with this deed, add one percentile point to either CHA, INT, or WIS. Regardless of whether or not the target makes its saving throw, activation of this heroic deed is a sonic attack that deals 2d6 damage to the target if it is within twenty feet of the activating hero.

Heroic Deed: Disenchant

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Available to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. You attempt to disenchant a magical item. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up 1, you: successfully disenchant a one-use magic item (potion, scroll, etc.), or you may roll a d20. On a result of 19 or 20, you successful remove one permanent enchantment from an item. This may or may not render the item non-magical. Regardless of the ultimate success or failure of the disenchant attempt, unless use of this deed fizzles (i.e., a '1' result on the Risk Die) you regain 3 HP by channeling a portion of the ambient magic into health renewal. If your disenchant attempt succeeds, gain one percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.

Heroic Deed: Effortless Dodge

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Available to Fighter 1+, Thief 1+, Cleric 6+/Cleric-subclass 3+, and Magic-User 9+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result is a "1" your dodge attempt fails, but otherwise add the die result as a bonus to your AC against a specific attack that has just been rolled against you. You may attempt this deed after the DM determines you've been hit: recalculate the foe's to-hit against your Improved AC. You may use this deed only when wearing light and medium armor. If this deed fails due to a '1' result on the Risk Die, gain 1 HP, but if it succeeds gain two HP and a 5% chance of gaining one percentile point to a random Ability Score.

Heroic Deed: Eldritch Blast

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Available to WAR 1+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result comes up '1', succeed at a DC 9 Charisma check in order to push through momentary interference to your connection with your patron. If the Risk Die comes up '8', you'll add your Charisma modifier (if positive) to damage you inflict this encounter with Eldritch Blast. For the remainder of this combat encounter, you are able to call freely upon your patron's power in order to cast an eldritch blast of force at a target within 120 ft. for which you have a line of sight each round. You may use this ability to unerringly strike the target once per round. This counts as your attack for the round, though you may still move up to your movement rate and it doesn't preclude use of a Fray die, if applicable. The blast hits automatically for 1d10 force damage. If you have 11+ overall character levels, two such blasts may be used. If level 17+, three; and if level 21+, four. If you get multiple blasts, they may all be directed at the same target, or you may choose different targets. If you are struck for combat damage or take on a negative status effect while targeting a blast, a DC 11 Constitution check is required to successfully target the blast(s).

Heroic Deed: Dastardly Backstab

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Available to CUT 3+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1': the next time in the minute that you successfully Circle or Backstab a foe, add your STR and/or DEX modifier(s) to the damage before multiplying with the x3 backstab multiplier, instead of afterward. If this attack kills your target, gain one percentile to either your STR or DEX Ability Score.

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