Heroic Deed: Death Word

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Available to Mage 3+. Select one living creature within thirty feet of your position. That creature must make a DC 15 saving throw against your magic (or save vs Death, if using Moldvay saves), or else fall dead. If the creature is of higher level or has more hit dice than you have total levels, it gains a +1 bonus to its saving throw per level of difference that exists. If you are higher level, apply the difference as a penalty to the creature's saving throw. This deed can be thwarted by spell resistance. Adjust the target's SR appropriately, based on level difference between caster and target — not to fall below 5% and not to rise above 95%. It's important to be aware of the consequences of failure in using this heroic deed.

Heroic Deed: Animal Companion

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Available to Druid 2+. You befriend a number of animals whose total HD do not exceed the Druid's level + the result of the rolled risk dice. These befriended animals will travel with the Druid as a companion and protector. If the druid focuses on a specific animal she has befriended, she can experience the world through their senses (ie: hear what they hear, see through their eyes, etc.). This befriending lasts for 24 hours. The druid can attempt to re-befriend these allies by sacrificing another Risk Die as originally required and defined by this Heroic Deed.

Heroic Deed: Ancestral Animus

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Available to Dwarves (of any classes/levels) only. You gain a {Risk Die Result} to-hit roll bonus against giants, goblinoids of all sorts, and ogres for the duration of the current active combat in which you are engaged. Against other foe-types, the bonus to-hit is equal to your Wisdom modifier or the Risk Die result minus one, whichever is least. If you crit an ancestral foe while under the effects of this deed, there is a 5% chance you gain five percentile points to your Strength attribute.

Heroic Deed: Eagle Eye

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Available to Ranger 1+, Bard 2+, Fighter 4+, Thief 6+. This heroic deed may be used in the same round as Aim Carefully. Make a ranged weapon attack roll against a creature this round, adding the Risk Die result to your ranged to-hit roll. You can use this ability before or after making the attack roll, but before the GM says whether the attack hits or misses. If used in conjunction with Aim Carefully, this deed adds three additional damage dice.

Heroic Deed: Aim Carefully

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Available to ALL. This heroic deed may be used in the same round as Eagle Eye. Take six seconds (one full round) to control your breathing and mindfully aim before making a ranged attack. That attack gains a +4 bonus to-hit, +5 if you are a halfling making a ranged attack with a sling; also +5 if you are an elf using a bow. If the shot hits, you also deal two additional dice of damage. If nudged, bumped, or you suffer damage while aiming, you fail to benefit from this deed. If the aimed shot hits and the Risk Die result was '8', add one percentile point to your Dexterity score. This deed can be used in tandem with Eagle Eye.

Heroic Deed: Superlative Enchantment

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Heroic Deed: Superlative Enchantment

Available to Bard 13+, Magic-User 8+, Mage subclasses 5+, Cleric 11+, and Cleric sub-classes 8+. Spend 5000 gp in alchemical oils and two full weeks (10 days if you are an Enchanter) working at minimum four hours daily on a piece of equipment of Flawless Construction and Enhanced Enchantment. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 16, adding your Enchanter level if any. If you succeed, you have enhanced the equipment's existing magical bonus by one step. If a weapon, it now has +3 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+4 if you are an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC three steps better (four steps better if you are an Enchanter) than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC three steps better (four steps better if you are an Enchanter) than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. It succeeds on saving throws against destruction if the raw d20 roll is above 2 and is allowed advantage when making an item saving throw. If you fail the DC 16 Int or Wis check, you must spend another five days and another 1500 gp and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus. If the item has charges, it gains an additional 1d3+3 charges to its daily maximum (or 6 more charges automatically, if you are an Enchanter) When an Enchanter attains the lofty level of Enchanter 5th and 10+ overall caster levels, she may again use Superlative Enchantment to bring a +4 item to +5, or to add an additional six charges to a charged item's maximum charges.

Heroic Deed: The Trail Goes Cold

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Available to DRU 1+, RNG 2+, THF 7+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. The Dungeon Master will also secretly roll a d8. If the rolls match, your attempt fizzles. Otherwise: for the next ten minutes your movement cannot be tracked by tracks or heat signature that you leave behind you. If the die rolls did match, the DM won't tell you and you believe you attempt effective. You cannot attempt this deed more than once every ten minutes. This ability cannot defeat tremorsense or scent-based tracking. When you successfully use this ability, carry forward two Luck points which you may apply to any roll in your very next encounter — or this encounter, if applicable. Luck Points so gained are not cumulative if you use the deed multiple times in short order.

Tricky Footwork

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Heroic Deed: Tricky Footwork

Available to Bard 1+ and other characters at 4+ overall levels. When fighting a humanoid your size category or smaller, expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Unless the result is '1' you've maneuvered your opponent and the two of you switch positions. If this brings your foe into adjacency with your ally, that ally gets a free attack on the foe at +2 to-hit and your fancy footwork has set you up for a {Risk Die Result} bonus to your next to-hit roll against that foe. If use of this heroic deed results in an ally getting a free attack, there is a 5% chance you gain five percentile points to a random ability score. If the randomly determined ability score is already 18+, the 1 percentile point is gained instead.


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Heroic Deed: Unbreakable

Available to Barbarian 1+, Monk/Sohei 3+, Paladin 5+, Dungeoneer 5+, Fighter 8+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then you gain {(Risk Die Result + 2) x 4 Soak points. Over the next full turn of combat (10 rounds) whenever you get hit by a ranged or melee attack, you may reduce the damage by expending these Soak points. You may, optionally, expend two Risk Dice when you attempt this Deed. As long as not both Risk Dice come up '1', you gain {(Risk Die Result + 2) x 8} Soak points.

Unflappable Warrior

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Heroic Deed: Unflappable Warrior

Available to Sohei 1, Fighter 13+, and other classes at 17+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you do not already enjoy Damage Reduction 5 or better, you benefit from DR 5 for the remainder of the round and all of the following round. However, if you are a Sohei, your DR instead is {Sohei Level + 5} or {Risk Die Result}, whichever is greater.

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