Heroic Deed: Improve Equipment

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+, and Cleric sub-classes 3+. If this is your first day of enchanting and alchemically treating this particular item of equipment, then create a variable, Progress, and assign the value zero to it. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Simultaneously, spend 25 gp on the cost to acquire and use a single day's worth of an array of special alchemical liquids to enhance and intensify the dweomers you weave upon this good quality weapon or piece of armor. Add the Risk Die Result to variable, Progress. If you are an Enchanter, also add your Enchanter level. If Progress already holds a value greater than zero, add the Risk Die Result to that value and assign the sum back to variable Progress. If the variable holds a cumulative result of sixteen or greater, you have dweomered the weapon, shield, or suit of armor into a masterwork item. If the item is a weapon, it now gets a +1 masterwork bonus that applies to to-hit rolls with the weapon. If it is a shield or armor, it gains in durability and will not rust, patinae, or mildew. If the item is not a weapon, shield, or piece of armor (i.e., it's a wand, rod, necklace, etc.), it must be made of precious materials valued at not less than 150 GP. Upon successfully improving such an item, it becomes a candidate for Flawless Construction.