Belt of Toughness

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Belt of Toughness - confers a +4 bonus on Constitution-based saving throws. When the wearer enters combat — i.e., becomes non-flatfooted and engaged in melee after a period of at least five minutes outside of combat — the wearer gains four temporary HP. Note: Feyre has improved the belt's enchantment so that it confers seven temporary HP instead of four. For 6,000 GP and three days of work, she can improve the belt even further, so that it confers +10 temp HP.

This item is currently worn by Lancaster Fox.

Lanky At Overall Level 11

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Overall Level 10, HP: 44
Lawful Evil Halfling
XP Total: 65,000
TNL: 12,000

Mount: Kevin the Cave Lizard

Str: 08/60 (-1)
Dex: 19/55 (+3)
Con: 13/55 (+1)
Int: 13/60 (+1)
Wis: 10/60 (+0)
Cha: 17/75 (+2)

Special Abilities:
Cut-Throat Party Boon
Cut-Throat Personal Boon not yet active
Thief Party Boon
Thief Personal Boon

Acrobat +4
Ruin Explorer +3
Information Seller +2
Assassin +7

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 07
Harnessed 01 (+1 dragonscale)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 04
Touch 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +4
Equivalent Base THAC0: 16

+1 dagger or shortsword:
   m.THAC0 13 (1d4+4 dagger)
   m.THAC0 13 (1d6+4 shortsword)

    Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Agonizing Sneak Attack
  2. Aim Carefully
  3. Auspicious Fortune
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Double Thrust
  6. Effortless Dodge
  7. Flanking Strike
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Lead By Example
  10. Lucky Moment
  11. MurderHobo Madness
  12. Penetrating Backstab
  13. Silent Sneak
  14. Skin of Your Teeth
  15. Staggering Strike
  16. Steely Gaze
  17. The Trail Goes Cold
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. player choice

Other Equipment:
2 bags of firestones (12)
book about dragons
belt of toughness
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
+1 buckler
caltrops (6) inflict 1d4
cape of the mountebank
daggers (pair, mundane)
+1 dragonscale armor
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
hemp rope (50 ft)
murdayne root
inflammable oil x 2
+1 blue dragonscale
potion of extra-healing x 4
sealed ceramic jar
drow snake-whip (discarded)
everburning torch (in jar)
+1 shortbow (does 1d6+4)
47 platinum pieces
353 gold pieces
16 silver pieces
18 copper pieces

Todd the Troglodyte
Dwargon the Duergar
Order of the Gauntlet

When Lanky Was Overall Level 10

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Overall Level 10, HP: 44
Lawful Evil Halfling
XP Total: 54,000
TNL: 11,000

Mount: Kevin the Cave Lizard

Str: 08/50 (-1)
Dex: 19/30 (+3)
Con: 13/45 (+1)
Int: 13/50 (+1)
Wis: 10/50 (+0)
Cha: 17/50 (+2)

Special Abilities:
Cut-Throat Party Boon
Cut-Throat Personal Boon
Thief Party Boon
Thief Personal Boon

Acrobat +4
Ruin Explorer +3
Information Seller +2
Assassin +7

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 07
Harnessed 01 (+1 dragonscale)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 04
Touch 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +4
Equivalent Base THAC0: 16

+1 dagger or shortsword:
   m.THAC0 13 (1d4+4 dagger)
   m.THAC0 13 (1d6+4 shortsword)

    Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 17
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Agonizing Sneak Attack
  2. Aim Carefully
  3. Auspicious Fortune
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Double Thrust
  6. Effortless Dodge
  7. Flanking Strike
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Lead By Example
  10. Lucky Moment
  11. MurderHobo Madness
  12. Silent Sneak
  13. Skin of Your Teeth
  14. Staggering Strike
  15. Steely Gaze
  16. The Trail Goes Cold
  17. Unusual Prowess

Other Equipment:
bag of firestones (9)
book about dragons
belt of toughness
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
+1 buckler
caltrops (6) inflict 1d4
cape of the mountebank
daggers (pair, mundane)
+1 dragonscale armor
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
hemp rope (50 ft)
murdayne root
inflammable oil x 2
+1 blue dragonscale
potion of extra-healing x 4
sealed ceramic jar
drow snake-whip (discarded)
everburning torch (in jar)
+1 shortbow (does 1d6+4)
47 platinum pieces
353 gold pieces
16 silver pieces
18 copper pieces

Todd the Troglodyte
Dwargon the Duergar
Order of the Gauntlet

Lancaster Fox

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Overall Level 13, HP: 54
Lawful Evil Halfling
XP Total: 90,000
TNL: 24,000

Mount: Kevin the Cave Lizard

Str: 09/20 (+0)
Dex: 21/05 (+4)
Con: 13/80 (+1)
Int: 13/70 (+1)
Wis: 10/70 (+0)
Cha: 17/85 (+2)

Personal Wealth
(as of 5/30/2024):
10,823 GP Party Wealth ~22,000 GP

Special Abilities:
Cut-Throat Party Boon
Cut-Throat Personal Boon
Thief Party Boon
Thief Personal Boon
Advantage on Circle/Backstab

Acrobat +4
Ruin Explorer +3
Information Seller +2
Assassin +9

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 06
Harnessed 0 (+1 dragonscale)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 04
Touch 06

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +5
Equivalent Base THAC0: 15

+1 dagger or shortsword:
   m.THAC0 12 (1d4+4 dagger)
   m.THAC0 12 (1d6+4 shortsword)

    Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 21
   Daily Risk Dice: 10

  1. Agonizing Sneak Attack
  2. Aim Carefully
  3. Auspicious Fortune
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Double Thrust
  6. Effortless Dodge
  7. Flanking Strike
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Lead By Example
  10. Lucky Moment
  11. MurderHobo Madness
  12. Penetrating Backstab
  13. Silent Sneak
  14. Skin of Your Teeth
  15. Staggering Strike
  16. Steely Gaze
  17. The Trail Goes Cold
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. player choice

Other Equipment:
basilisk fang
Boots of Free-Action
6 thunderstones
4 potions of extra-healing (3d8+3)
2 bags of firestones (12)
book about dragons
belt of toughness
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
+1 buckler
caltrops (3) inflict 1d4
cape of the mountebank
daggers (pair, mundane)
+1 dragonscale armor
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
potion of alignment concealment x 3
hemp rope (50 ft)
murdayne root
inflammable oil x 2
+1 blue dragonscale
potion of extra-healing x 4
sealed ceramic jar
drow snake-whip (discarded)
everburning torch (in jar)
+1 shortbow (does 1d6+4)

Todd the Troglodyte
Dwargon the Duergar
Order of the Gauntlet
Xaiko the Red Dragon
Valtrex the Vampire