Available to Gunslinger 2+, Ranger 2+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+. When you hit with a ranged weapon against a humanoid foe within thirty feet and clear line of sight, roll and expend a Risk Die. If successful, that creature must make a Moldvay save versus death or suffers a hit to one of her arms (your choice which arm), drops anything in the hand on that side of her body, and makes any melee attacks at -6 the remainder of this encounter if she wields using that hand. If a foe is hit but succeeds at the save, they still suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls the remainder of the current round and all of the next round. If your target fails the save, you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity score. If they succeed at the saving throw, there is still a 5% chance you gain the one percentile point to Dex.