Mage sub-class

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Prime ability: Intelligence; the Magic-User is a deeply-studied student of the arcane. Even the laziest mage knows at least two languages. Many know three, four, or even five. This only applies, however, to characters who begin their careers in the mage class. Those who switch to mage later don't make the cut.


Party Boon at Mage 1: A party with a mage as a member enjoys a +1 magic-user ally bonus on any saving throws versus spells.

Personal Boon at Mage 3: At third level the core Mage gains 10% magic resistance. This resistance is accompanied by an important choice: the mage at level 3 must choose an elemental affinity: fire, cold, air, or water. Henceforth, the mage gains a +1 elemental affinity bonus to saving throws versus spells and effects that make use of the mage's elemental affinity, and a -1 penalty to its opposite. Fire is opposed by water, and earth by air.

A mage gains an addition +5% magic-resistance for each level in the mage core class or a mage sub-class gained after Magic-User 3rd level — to a maximum of 90%. A mage's magic resistance against any given spell should be adjusted based upon the level difference between the targeted mage and the caster of the spell — the adjustment is made in 5% increments, to a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 90%.

When adjusting for level difference for the purpose of magic resistance calculation, only compare total caster levels for both target and caster.